Friday, August 29, 2014

Fiction/Nonfiction Letter Dd

The letter Dd was exciting today because the children loved sharing about their dogs.  We read Go Dog Go!  and our nonfiction books were about Dogs and Puppies.

Our fictional book, Go, Dog, Go! by P.D. Eastman.  The children loved this book because most of them were familiar with this book!

We read No, David! just for fun.  The kids really love this book because there is a picture of David in the book without any pants on and they can see his bottom (HeeeeeHeeee)!!

Our nonfiction book was about puppies.  They loved this little book!

Our other nonfiction book was about dogs and they really loved talking about their dogs.  So many wonderful stories about how much they love their dogs!

Cute drawings of a dog in their journals.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Kandinsky Paintings by Kindergarten Students

Our class did a study of Wassily Kandinsky and learned about his abstract paintings.  We looked at one painting called "Squares With Concentric Circles".  The children created their own versions of this famous piece of artwork.  I think Kandinsky would be very proud of these pieces of artwork!  They are absolutely beautiful!!
This is Kandinsky's artwork.

Here are a few of the Kindergartners creations.

They are beautiful!

A few more!

They are on display outside of our room if you want to stop by to see them!!!

Celebrating A Birthday

Great News!  One of our parents found a fun snack that meets the "Healthy Snack" guidelines that is perfect for birthday celebrations!  It is Skinny Cow low fat ice cream sandwiches.  She found them at Costco!!
Here is the birthday boy!  Getting ready to enjoy his Skinny Cow!!
Happy Birthday!!!

Here is a picture of the box of ice cream sandwiches!  The children and the teacher loved them!!  Mrs. Polly Wolly did not have one (she has more will power than me)! 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Fiction/Nonfiction Letter Cc

Today we have been rocking in our school shoes with Pete the Cat!!  We had a great day reading Pete the Cat books and our favorite cat, Cookie's Week.  The children enjoyed all of our books!  Our nonfiction selections were Kittens and Really Big Cats.  The boys loved reading about the big cats and the girls loved reading about the kittens.  After reading our books, we went to our journals to draw a picture of a cat.  Here are a few pictures from today!
Fiction Books:  Cookie's Week by Cindy Ward and Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes and Pete the Cat Rocking in my School Shoes by Eric Litwin

Nonfiction books:  Kittens and Really Big Cats

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Fiction/Nonfiction Letter Bb

Today we read Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin, Jr. as our fictional story and we read Black Bears by Animals That Live in the Forest for our nonfiction selection.  The children loved these books and they learned lots of new facts about bears that they did not know.  Please ask your child about the bears and some of the things they learned today!
Our fiction book for the day!

Our nonfiction book for the letter Bb.

Mrs. Anderson is showing the students how to draw a bear.

Look at those great looking bears!

Working hard on details for her bear picture in her journal.

Students working on their star student of the day portraits.  Each child draws a picture of the star student and that child will take home all of their portraits at the end of the day.  They are so much fun to look at!

Mrs. Polly Wolly helping some doodle bugs write the letter Bb.

Monday, August 25, 2014


We will be spending the first 26 days learning to recognize the letters of the alphabet and the correct letter formation for each of the letters.  For each letter of the alphabet, I have chosen a fiction book and a nonfiction book about animals to share with the children.  After reading the 2 books, then the children will draw a picture of the animal and label the animal in their journals.  Today we started with the letter Aa and we read about alligators.  Our fiction book was There's An Alligator Under My Bed by Mercer Mayer and our nonfiction book was Alligatora by Animal Safar. 

This is our fictional story!!

Here is our nonfiction book.

These are pictures of the children working in their work stations.  We have 3 stations:  1 station is working on letter formation, 1 station is drawing the alligators in their journals, and the last station is drawing a picture of our star student.  Here is a student working on her letter formation with highlighters.

Drawing our alligators in our journals.

This group of students is working on drawing pictures of our star student!!

Working hard on their letter formation.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Meet My Family

This is my sweet and fun family!  We love to travel together and we went on a cruise for Halloween and to celebrate my son's birthday!  I love these silly guys

This is our newest member of the family.  She is 2 years old and we adopted her from the Humane Society!

Welcome to Kindergarten Bulletin Board

Here is our "Welcome To Kindergarten" bulletin board.  I love the Lorax, such a beautiful story!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Pictures of our Classroom

Mrs. Polly Wolly and I are so excited about our classroom!!  We are thrilled for the new doodlebugs that will begin soon!  We have worked hard to get our room ready and we want to share our finished product!

A view of our classroom!

This is our board where the students make their lunch choices with their magnets.

Staying organized with all the supplies coming in today!

This is our book center.  Look at all those books that Mrs. Polly Wolly has organized with labels!  
Mr. Handyman Husband built these beautiful shelves.  Thank you to Lowes for donating the wood (that sure saved me a lot of money)!

Another view of our book center.  Our star student board will be filled with wonderful information about our star student each week.

Our little table where the students place their library books.

Another view of our classroom!

Our super duper science center!

Another view of the science center!

Our home living and dramatic play center!

Another view of our home living/dramatic play center!

The kinder bakery is so fun for the doodlebugs!

Our Art Center!

The computer center!

The writing center!

Our reading center!

Look How SM'ART' We are board!