Friday, January 29, 2016


If it is possible to have a day more fun than Christmas, then it is the 100th day of school!  I could not sleep last night because I was so excited about celebrating our 100th day together!  I was up at 4 a.m. so I finally came to school at 6:30 (my poor husband thinks I am insane, he loves to sleep late)!  It has been 100 glorious days and God continues to bless me everyday with wonderful children that I get to teach!  I truly believe I have the best job in the world; it really doesn't feel like a job (don't tell anybody I said that)!!  We did have a good time today!  You are about to have a photo overload of cuteness!!!!

A Great Big Thank You for the snacks everyone sent in that helped make our celebration extra special!

 That is 100 mini cupcakes that I made for the sweet Doodlebugs!!!  (Remember what I said about my husband thinking I am insane, maybe he is right!)  Thank goodness American Idol was on to entertain me while I baked!  I tried to make them look like Home and Garden's Sugah Cakes, but that did not work!  Oh well, the kiddos thought they were delish!  Children are so easy to please!

Making our Fruit Loop necklaces with 100 Fruit Loops!!

Counting and writing to 100!!  College work!

Coloring our 100th day posters!

Making our 100th day hats with 100 stickers!  Whew that was a lot of work!

Making our 100th Day Hash!!  Yummy Snack!

 This is a picture of LOVE!!!!!  
I love these Doodlebugs!!!