Sunday, March 4, 2018

100th Day of School!!!

HIP HIP HOORAY!  We are celebrating the 100th day of school!!  We had lots of fun on  the 100th day of school.  We spent the entire day exploring centers and doing activities that involved 100!  The children had a blast!

The students were given 100 popsicle sticks and they had to create something using them.

100 Solo cups to build and create!

100 pattern blocks to create something!

Roll to 100!  See who can get to 100 first. 

100 Scrabble Letters and the students had to see how many words they could make with those letters.

100th Day of School Snack!

How many licks does it take to finish a Tootsie Roll Pop?  It's a lot of licks, way more than 100!

Toss a bean bag 100 times, but if you drop it, then you have to start back at 1.

Money!  Count 100 pennies!  How many nickels does it take to make 100?  How many dimes, quarters, to make 100?

100th day of school poster!

Toss a coin 100 times and tally how many times it lands on heads and how many times it lands on tails.

Exercising throughout the day for 100 seconds!

100th day of school books and 100 cupcakes!