Veneal Williams featured some of our artwork in her latest daily devotion! Enjoy!
"(Mary) wrapped (the baby) in cloths and placed Him in a manager, because there was no room for them in the inn." Luke 2:7
And what about now? Is there room for Him...
in your heart
in your day
in your thoughts
in your actions
in your plans
in your prayers
As the 25th gets closer, don't let Him get squeezed out due to stress, busyness, commercialism, shopping and other demands of the season. The craziness can cause us to flip, if not careful.
Let's be sure to take a daily, quiet moment to securely and tightly wrap God in our hearts, and allow His Light to shine in us. As we make room for Him in all we do and say, the true JOY of the season will be ours and will radiant to others in need of His Peace.
friend, we are loved and chosen by God,
love, JOY and peace to you
By Veneal Williams
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