Monday, April 27, 2015

100 Book Club Party and Freeze Pop Shop

 Friday was filled with lots of excitement as we celebrated reaching our goal of reading 100 books.  We watched The Wizard of Oz and ate doughnuts from Krispy Kreme!  We ate a picnic lunch outside on the "big kid's" playground.  We opened our Freeze Pop shop and had a booming busy day!  We sold out of freeze pops before the 2nd graders and the 4th graders got their freeze pops!!  We underestimated the popularity of the Freeze Pop shop!  


The Doodlebugs are relaxing and waiting for the movie to start!

Picnic Lunch Pics!

Freeze Pop Shop Line!

This is how long the line is for the Freeze Pop Shop!  Insanely popular!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Cowboy Breakfast

Friday we had our Cowboy Breakfast and it was delicious!!  We had bacon, grits, eggs, toast and jelly, and milk to drink!  The children enjoyed it so much and we learned so many fascinating facts about farm life this week that the breakfast was a perfect ending to a perfect week!  

A couple of cowgirls sported their boots today!  Too Cute!

 Our class read the book Mrs. Wishy-Washy this week and we acted out the story today.  The doodlebugs had a blast!  We had a Mr. Wishy-Washy and we made Mrs. Polly Wolly dress up like Mrs. Wishy-Washy!

Here is Mr. Wishy-Washy!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easter Egg Hunt

Good Friday was a good day for us at Pine Street School.  We sorted jelly beans and graphed our results.  We had a sight word egg hunt and it was so much fun for the kids.  Each child was given one sight word to look for and they had to find 10 eggs with that word written on it.  A great big thank you to Catherine Faris for writing all the words on the eggs and organizing and volunteering at our party.  A big thank you to Melissa Sullivan, Shannon Barron, and Elyse Miller for helping to hide eggs and helping with our party!  We had a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny!  It was a beautiful day and fun was had by all!

The Goofy Bunnies!

Getting ready for the hunt!

They are off!

Look how beautiful the playground is!

A sweet treat for Easter!

A visit from the Easter Bunny!