Monday, September 18, 2017

Show and Tell or is it Show and Tail

Show and Tell or is it Show and Tail

We had an exciting visit today by another four legged friend!  We loved getting to know Charley!  She was so sweet and we got swiped by her tail a few times.  She was excited to be in our classroom and she was very well behaved.  We found out that she loves to hunt dove!!

It's A Bird, It's A Plane, No It's Bat Puff

It's A Bird, It's A Plane, No It's Bat Puff

Our class was surprised by an unexpected visitor!!  We looked out our window and we saw a "Flying Bearded Dragon" with a Batman cape!!  It was the greatest treat to see Bat Puff and Mrs. Polly Wolly!!!

A Boy and His Dog

A Boy and His Dog

Show and Tell was a little lively since we had a sweet 9 month old puppy visit our class!  We loved meeting Millie and watching her do her tricks!  She was so well behaved and obedient!  The children loved her visit!! 

Pumpkin Matter

Pumpkin Experiment:  Showing How Matter Changes

We used a pumpkin that I purchased from Michaels to do our latest science experiment!  We first peeled the paper off of a variety of crayons.  We hot glued crayons on the top of the pumpkin.  We used a hair dryer to melt the crayons.  The children squealed with delight as the crayons melted and ran down the sides of the pumpkin!  It was super cool!  They also loved the crayons drips that landed on the paper that we had placed under the pumpkin!!!


Wednesday, September 13, 2017


The children enjoyed doing a science experiment with Alka Seltzers!  They were each given a cup of water and an Alka Seltzer.  They predicted the tablet would dissolve!  They screamed when the tablet made a fizzing sound and produced a gas!  They were so excited!!    

Science is More Fun With Popsicles

Popsicle Expermient

While studying matter, we did an experiment using popsicles.  Each child was given a twin pop and they broke the popsicle in half.  We placed one popsicle in a cup and we sucked on the other half.  We wanted to see which side of the popsicle melted faster; the one in the cup or the one in our mouth.  The children predicted that the one in our mouth would melt faster.  After a few minutes, we compared the one in our mouths with the one in the cup and we discovered that the one in our mouth was melting much faster.  It took the one in the cup 2 hours to melt and the one in our mouth was gone in about 8 minutes!